Sunday, November 11, 2012

Anthology Announced!!

I've been posting little snippets of a story I've been working on called "Wrong" teasers as they say. What I didn't mention was what my plans were for this story.  This morning Eric Arvin let the cat out of the bag on his blog!!

PREPARE YESELF!! Big announcement here. In the works now, a new anthology featuring work by Tj Klune, S.A. McAuley, Sjd Peterson, Abi Roux, Cyndie Hastey, and yours truly. Unconventional stories by unconventional writers. The title is Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open and is set for release this May.

Eric also has some more exciting news for other projects he's working on. You can check out the complete list HERE

You can't imagine how honored I am to be included with this amazing list of authors. I am truly humbled they have allowed me to be part of this project!!  So go check out Eric's announcements and I'm going to go do a little happy dancing around the house!!


1 comment:

  1. What a freakin awesome announcement!!! Couldn't ask for a better group of authors. :) I am doing a happy dance right along with you. :D
